Publications by Sarah Bressan
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Commentary 28 Jan 2025
Zentrum für Zukunft: Warum ein Nationaler Sicherheitsrat nicht ausreicht
Ein Nationaler Sicherheitsrat allein kann die Defizite bei strategischer Vorausschau in Deutschland nicht beheben, so Sarah Bressan vom Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi). Stattdessen solle ein Zentrum für Zukunft mit einem wissenschaftlichen Stab etabliert werden.… -
Study 26 Sep 2024
Building Evaluation Capacity to Improve Extremism Prevention
Evaluation toolkits can help practitioners in extremism prevention understand what does and doesn't work and improve programs accordingly. But what makes such resources effective? This study recommends steps toolkit developers and funders can take to maximize the value of their instruments.… -
Study 18 Sep 2024
Making Foresight Count: Success Factors for Futures Analysis in Foreign and Security Policy
Ever wondered how different types of futures analysis could help improve policy processes, and how to implement them successfully? Based on insights from three projects, this study offers inspiration and guidance.… -
Working paper 16 Jul 2024
Future Threats to EU Candidate Countries: The REUNIR Strategic Foresight Approach
This working paper explains how the REUNIR research project is assessing current military, political and socio-economic threats in the EU's neighborhood – and anticipating the ones to come.… -
Report 08 Jul 2024
How Do We Know What Works in Preventing Violent Extremism?
Gathering evidence on 14 countries, this report surveys the state of the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), focusing on how evaluation practices can be improved to drive P/CVE forward.… -
Policy brief 17 Jan 2024
The Power and Limits of Data for Peace
To strengthen its ability to predict violent conflict, the EU should add innovative approaches to its foresight toolbox. Then it must bridge the gap between early warning and preventive action.… -
Study 12 Oct 2023
Whose Bright Idea Was That?
How do think tankers know if they are making a difference? The short answer: most don't, even though many think tanks are doing more to try to measure their effectiveness and impact. We propose a framework that can help organizations like ours better assess and perhaps even improve their work.… -
Evaluation report 17 Feb 2023
Evaluation of the Policy on WFP’s Role in Peacebuilding in Transition Settings
By Julia Steets, Claudia Meier, Alexander Gaus, Sarah Bressan, Inji El Bakry, Steffen Eckhard, Jan Kemper, Elena LeuschnerWhat effects that did the World Food Programme's projects have on conflict and peace dynamics? How relevant were their policy implementation measures? What factors enabled or hindered their impact? An evaluation from 2012 to 2021.… -
Podcast 16 Dec 2022
Krisen von morgen
What are Germany and the EU doing to better predict war & violence? And how can we use today's data to tell where things will go wrong tomorrow? A 49security podcast.… -
Commentary 01 Nov 2021
Verhexter Ansatz
Nach Afghanistan gilt es, Deutschlands Krisenpolitik zu verbessern: Dafür sollte der vernetzte Ansatz aus Außen-, Sicherheits- und Entwicklungspolitik überdacht und komplexen Realitäten angepasst werden.… -
Study 01 Sep 2021
Evaluating P/CVE: Institutional Structures in International Comparison
Preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) is an emerging field with a wealth of experience but few proven recipes for success. Do we know if existing measures are effective?… -
Policy brief 08 Jul 2021
Governing Evaluations
Evaluating programs to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE) is an emerging field without established recipes for success. Examining common challenges across borders can help make deliberate decisions about the structures governing P/CVE evaluation.… -
Commentary 06 Jul 2021
Crisis Early Warning: Berlin’s Path From Foresight to Prevention
Combining crisis early warning and prevention could help Germany become a more strategic international actor. Berlin should link forward-looking risk and resilience analyses with structures for meaningful political decision-making to fulfill its commitment toward preventive engagement.… -
Commentary 14 Jun 2021
Krisenfrüherkennung: Von der Vorausschau zur Prävention
In der Verbindung von Krisenfrüherkennung und Prävention liegen Potentiale für mehr außenpolitische Strategie- und Handlungsfähigkeit. Was kann die Bundesregierung tun, damit vorausschauende Analysen nicht folgenlos bleiben?… -
Article 13 May 2021
From Conflict Early Warning to Fostering Resilience? Chasing Convergence in EU Foreign Policy
By Sarah Bressan, Aurora BergmaierTo better assess the risk of violent crises, the European Union has invested heavily in early warning systems. How can the EU make sure these capacities contribute to more effective conflict prevention abroad?… -
Article 16 Apr 2021
Strategic Foresight: Shaping Germany’s Post-Pandemic Future
Germany’s change in leadership after the 2021 election will come at a critical juncture in the country's future. How could government foresight help create the long-term vision needed to meet Berlin's challenges?… -
Article 13 Jul 2020
Welcome to the Grey Zone: Future War and Peace
By Sarah Bressan, Mari-Liis SulgWhat could the future of war and peace look like? Which trends in warfare and threats to peace will shape (in)security in Europe and its neighborhood? And what are the key issues at stake in creating a peaceful world?… -
Study 06 Jun 2020
New Expectations: Generation Z and Changing Attitudes on German Foreign Policy
New data shows: fewer German voters favor restraint in foreign policy than ever before. In particular, younger Germans expect their country to take on "more international responsibility." What does this mean for German foreign policy?… -
Study 06 Jun 2020
Neue Erwartungen: Generation Z und der Einstellungswandel zur Außenpolitik
In der deutschen Wahlbevölkerung steigt der Wunsch nach einem stärkeren Engagement Deutschlands in der Lösung von Konflikten. Vor allem die sogenannte „Generation Z“ erwartet deutlich häufiger als andere Altersgruppen, dass ihr Land international Verantwortung übernimmt. Was bedeutet das für die deutsche Außenpolitik?… -
Commentary 13 May 2020
What’s Left of the Failed States Debate?
The number of countries in which state structures have collapsed seems to be growing. But is it really? Are these so-called failed states a threat to global security? And is there an antidote? Five hypotheses, put to the test.…