Study 09 July 2024

Digital Threats to Elections: Learning From What Has Worked in Africa

To help donors and implementers better mitigate digital threats and safeguard elections, this study relays insights from successful efforts by international, national and local organizations working across the African continent.

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How Do We Know What Works in Preventing Violent Extremism?

Gathering evidence on 14 countries, this report surveys the state of the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/​CVE), focusing on how evaluation practices can be improved to drive P/​CVE forward.

By Sarah Bressan, Sophie Ebbecke, Lotta Rahlf
Policy brief

The Hidden Front of Russia’s War

From awareness-raising campaigns to economic empowerment for women, this brief details what international actors should do to respond to increased gender-based violence in Ukraine – and how they should work with Ukrainian partners to do it.

By Galyna Kotliuk

Mitigating Disinformation in Europe

What is the state of disinformation – and efforts to counter it – on the continent? How are civil society and private actors faring in their part of the fight against disinformation? And how can policymakers better support them?

Whose Bright Idea Was That?

How do think tankers know if they are making a difference? The short answer: most don’t. We propose a framework that can help think tanks better assess and perhaps even improve their work.

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Is the FDP Driving Germany to Foreign Policy Suicide?

Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to make sweeping cuts to Germany’s foreign affairs and development budgets. But this would have a hugely detrimental effect on Germany’s influence in the world.


Debatte um ukrainischen Waffeneinsatz: Der menschliche Preis der Besonnenheit

Die Ukraine darf nun doch vom Westen gelieferte Waffen nutzen, um militärische Ziele in Russland zu bekämpfen. Die Zögerlichkeit, mit der diese und andere Entscheidungen getroffen wurden, haben viele Ukrainer*innen mit ihrem Leben bezahlt – und das nicht nur in Charkiw.


Gaming the Political Economy of Conflict

Economic factors can prove decisive in conflict contexts. Policymakers are increasingly looking to influence political economy dynamics in their stabilization efforts. This practical guide shows how simulation games can help them make better decisions.

Evaluation report

Evaluation of the ICRC’s Community Contact Centres

The way the ICRC is currently managing feedback is clearly helping strengthen accountability to affected people – at a limited cost and with manageable risks. But there are also design flaws and organizational challenges holding these centers back from maximum effectiveness.


Introducing Anticipatory Action: A Feasibility Study for Malteser International

Anticipatory Action means shifting from reactive to proactive approaches, crisis management to risk reduction, and dependency to empowerment – aligning with MI’s vision, priorities, experiences, and future direction.


Chinesische Spionage: Die AfD ist nicht das Hauptproblem

Die China-Verstrickungen des AfD-Spitzenkandidaten für die Europawahl müssen aufgeklärt werden. Aber die chinesische Einflussnahme ist mehr als ein AfD-Problem. Peking ist viel zu klug, um sich bei der Ziel- und Mittelauswahl auf die AfD zu beschränken.