Publications by Sarah Bressan
All Issue Areas
Global Order
Humanitarian Action
Peace & Security
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Data & Tech Politics
Commentary 01 May 2020
Gescheiterte Staaten: Fünf Thesen auf dem Prüfstand
Die Zahl der Länder, in denen die geordnete Staatlichkeit zusammenbricht, scheint dynamisch zu wachsen. Bedrohen „failed states“ den globalen Frieden und die Sicherheit Deutschlands? Fünf Thesen auf dem Prüfstand.… -
Booklet 09 Jan 2020
Scenarios for Governance Breakdown and Violent Conflict in the EU’s Neighborhood
What could the European neighborhood look like in 2024? Using thought experiments on alternative future developments, these scenarios map out areas of potential governance breakdown and violent conflict in the next five years and show the threat they could pose to the EU.… -
Working paper 30 Sep 2019
Forecasting and Foresight: Methods for Anticipating Governance Breakdown and Violent Conflict
The paper presents the evolution and state of the art of quantitative forecasting and scenario-based foresight methods and discusses how they can inform strategic policymaking to prevent governance breakdown and violent conflict in Europe’s neighborhood.… -
Commentary 19 Sep 2019
Can the EU Prevent Deepfakes From Threatening Peace?
Highly realistic fake videos could take online disinformation to the next level. The European Union must take action to prevent deepfakes from becoming the next propaganda tool.… -
Policy brief 24 Jul 2019
Looking Ahead: Foresight for Crisis Prevention
European foreign services are experimenting with looking into ‘the future’. How can policymakers make foresight and forecasting effective tools in their efforts to anticipate and ideally prevent violent conflict? Here’s an overview.… -
Commentary 15 Feb 2019
View From Berlin: The Risk of Deepening the Divide