Publications by Julia Friedrich
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Commentary 26 Nov 2024
Russian “Peace” in Practice: Life Under Russian Occupation in Ukraine
Ever since Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014, it has been clear that Moscow's occupation practice entails far more than just a change of flags and passports. It comes at a tremendous human cost.… -
Commentary 19 Nov 2024
B(R)ICS-Staaten als Vermittler im Ukraine-Krieg?
Warum werden die BICS-Länder als potenzielle Vermittler betrachtet? Und wie effektiv und bereit sind sie, wenn es darum geht, einen Frieden zwischen Russland und der Ukraine zu vermitteln?… -
Policy brief 30 Sep 2024
A Growing Gap: EU Peace and Security Funding Beyond Ukraine
Much of the EU's spending on peace and security-related programs is too rigid to allow for quick responses to emerging crises. And the flexible funds that do exist are already heavily depleted. As a result, many conflict-affected countries now face a funding deficit – unless the EU changes course.… -
Policy brief 29 Aug 2024
A Matter of Trust: Community-Police Relations in Ukraine’s De-Occupied and Frontline Areas
In the face of Russia's war, Ukrainian law enforcement is having to redefine its role. But security concerns, a lack of trust, and structural issues are complicating the police's relations with communities they are meant to serve. Here's how international actors can help.… -
Study 30 Jul 2024
“They Came to ‘Liberate’ Us and Left Us with Nothing”
Public debates about Russia’s occupation tend to focus on the territorial aspects of the war. But the sharp end of occupation is felt by Ukrainians who populate these ‘spots on the map’. By centering their experiences, this study sheds light on the human cost of Russia’s occupation practice.… -
Commentary 19 Jul 2024
Sold Out: Support for Ukraine
A casualty of the draft German federal budget for 2025 appears to be support for Ukraine. Clinging to its debt brake, Berlin is tying its top foreign policy priority to a shaky plan. This would be a mistake.… -
Commentary 23 Feb 2024
The Future Is Now
Two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Germany’s policy toward Kyiv still lacks clear positive goals. The time for critical decisions is now – and this should encourage Berlin to act with urgency.… -
Commentary 16 Feb 2024
Ukraine-Krieg: Das Wichtigste haben wir noch nicht gelernt
Auch zwei Jahre nach dem großen russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine fehlt es an einer klaren, politischen Zielsetzung deutscher Ukraine-Politik. Die Zeit für kritische Entscheidungen ist jetzt - das sollte Berlin zum Handeln ermutigen.… -
Study 01 Aug 2023
Building Peace, the Feminist Foreign Policy Way: Good Practices
How can a feminist foreign policy translate into a more feminist way of peacebuilding? An overview of good practices and real-world examples that implement principles of an ambitious feminist foreign policy in practice.… -
Study 14 Mar 2023
Supporting Civil Society in Acute Crises
Support to civil society is a main tool policymakers use to prevent confilict. How can donors do it better?… -
Interview 26 Aug 2022
“Feminist Activism in Ukraine Usually Means Demanding More Weapons”
Media representations of women in the Ukraine war are not representative of how the Ukrainian army functioned before February 2022. A conversation about sexism on the front lines, queer fighters and soldierly feminism.… -
Interview 09 Aug 2022
„Im Veteranenverein gibt es keinen Wickeltisch“
Mediale Bilder vom Geschlechterverhältnis im Ukrainekrieg sind nicht repräsentativ dafür, wie die ukrainische Armee vor Februar 2022 funktioniert hat, sagt Julia Friedrich. Ein Gespräch über Sexismus an der Front, queere Kämpfer:innen und soldatischen Feminismus.… -
Interview 08 Aug 2022
Menschliche Sicherheit in Zeiten konventioneller Bedrohungen
Konventionelle Verteidigung und menschliche Sicherheit sind kein Widerspruch – im Gegenteil. Wer strategiefähig sein will, muss beides gleichzeitig denken.… -
Commentary 14 Jul 2022
Russia’s Growing Influence in Africa
What is driving Russia's growing influence on the African Continent? And what will this mean for the West’s engagement – also in light of the war in Ukraine?… -
Commentary 23 May 2022
Why Is Russia Being So Brutal in Ukraine?
By Julia Friedrich, Niklas MasuhrEvidence of war crimes committed by the Russian armed forces in Ukraine is surfacing. But why are these atrocities happening and what is the goal?… -
Study 20 Apr 2022
“What should we have to say about it?” Perspectives on Peace in Eastern Ukraine
Eastern Ukraine is back in the headlines. What do we know about the effects of conflict on the region before Russia’s renewed invasion?… -
Interview 27 Feb 2022
„Man hat Putin falsch eingeschätzt“
Julia Friedrich, Expertin für osteuropäische Politik, lebte bis vor Kurzem in Kiew. Wo sie aktuell ist und ob sie mit der russischen Invasion der Ukraine gerechnet hat, erzählt sie im Interview.… -
Commentary 04 Feb 2022
To Mediate with Russia, Germany Must Find its Strength
Do we need a dialogue with Russia? Absolutely – but from a position of strength.… -
Commentary 31 Jan 2022
Ukraine-Konflikt und Deutschland: Dialog und Härte
With Russia's military threat looming over Ukraine, does Germany need a dialogue with Russia? Absolutely – but from a position of strength.… -
Study 01 Sep 2021
Evaluating P/CVE: Institutional Structures in International Comparison
Preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) is an emerging field with a wealth of experience but few proven recipes for success. Do we know if existing measures are effective?…