Policy brief 29 August 2024

A Matter of Trust: Community-Police Relations in Ukraine’s De-Occupied and Frontline Areas

In the face of Russia’s war, Ukrainian law enforcement is having to redefine its role. But security concerns, a lack of trust, and structural issues are complicating the police’s relations with communities they are meant to serve. Here’s how international actors can help.

ENSURED: Shaping Multilateralism for a World in Transition

The international order seems to be in crisis. How can the EU defend and transform global governance to make it more robust, effective and democratic?

Learn More

Critical and Emerging Technologies: Sharpening the Strategic Agenda in Germany and Europe

Cutting-edge technologies are central to security, power and prosperity in a fast-changing global order. This project seeks to advance the debate on strategic goals, policy options, and trade-offs in Germany and Europe and to strengthen dialogue with the United States.


“They Came to ‘Liberate’ Us and Left Us with Nothing”

Public debates about Russia’s occupation tend to focus on the territorial aspects of the war. But the sharp end of occupation is felt by Ukrainians who populate these spots on the map’. By centering their experiences, this study sheds light on the human cost of Russia’s occupation practice.


Digital Threats to Elections: Learning From What Has Worked in Africa

To help donors and implementers better mitigate digital threats and safeguard elections, this study relays insights from successful efforts by international, national and local organizations working across the African continent.

How Do We Know What Works in Preventing Violent Extremism?

Gathering evidence on 14 countries, this report surveys the state of the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/​CVE), focusing on how evaluation practices can be improved to drive P/​CVE forward.

Read the report.
Policy brief

How to Improve International Support for People with Disabilities in Ukraine

International actors should step up to assist and help reform Ukraine’s overstretched disability care system.


5G und Huawei: Anatomie eines Politikversagens

Seit Jahren wird über den Einsatz von chinesischer Technologie beim Ausbau des 5G-Mobilfunknetzes in Deutschland gestritten. Nun hat sich die Bundesregierung auf einen kooperativen Kompromiss“ mit den Netzbetreibern geeinigt, der jedoch zentrale Sicherheitslücken offenlässt.


Sold Out: Support for Ukraine

A casualty of the draft German federal budget for 2025 appears to be support for Ukraine. Clinging to its debt brake, Berlin is tying its top foreign policy priority to a shaky plan. This would be a mistake.


Rüstungswahn oder Realpolitik? Warum Wehrfähigkeit mehr als nur eine Zahl ist

Warum den Wehretat erhöhen, wenn doch die NATO-Staaten Russland in Sachen Verteidigungsausgaben vielfach übertreffen und die russische Armee in der Ukraine ausblutet“? Weil Russland sich für eine langfristige Konfrontation mit dem Westen aufstellt – und Geld nicht gleich Einsatzfähigkeit ist.

Policy brief

The Hidden Front of Russia’s War

From awareness-raising campaigns to economic empowerment for women, this brief details what international actors should do to respond to increased gender-based violence in Ukraine – and how they should work with Ukrainian partners to do it.

By Galyna Kotliuk

Is the FDP Driving Germany to Foreign Policy Suicide?

Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to make sweeping cuts to Germany’s foreign affairs and development budgets. But this would have a hugely detrimental effect on Germany’s influence in the world.