Climate Change, Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding

Climate change impacts threaten peace. Taking stock of its engagement in crisis prevention, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding, the German government identified climate-related conflicts as one of its priorities for the upcoming years. What is Germany’s commitment to the climate-conflict nexus and how can it be expanded? How can the German government effectively adapt its existing tools to new challenges? What lessons can it draw on to better support affected regions?
As part of an event series on the lessons learned in the German government’s implementation report on its Guidelines “Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflict, Building Peace”, the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) invites you to an online workshop. In breakout groups, four topics will be discussed and all participants are invited to create actionable recommendations. The event will be based on the German government’s implementation report, the study by the Advisory Board on Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding “Klimawandel und Konflikte” (published in January 2021), and the PeaceLab blog debate on the climate-conflict nexus initiated by the Advisory Board.
Keynote speakers:
- Minister of State Niels Annen, German Federal Foreign Office
- Christophe Hodder, Climate and Security Expert, UNSOM
- Dr. Kira Vinke, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) & co-chair of the Advisory Board on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding
Breakout sessions (you will be able to choose which group to join during the workshop):
- Environmental peacebuilding and crisis prevention – Input: Janet Edmond, Conservation International
- Early warning systems and early action: How to include climate data? – Input: Barbora Sedova, PIK
- Regional Focus: Central Asia/Afghanistan – Input: Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Joachim Giessmann, Berghof Foundation
- Nexus of climate change, humanitarian crises and displacement – Input: Andrew Harper, Special Advisor to the High Commissioner for Refugees for Climate Action
The event will be held in English via Zoom and conducted under the Chatham House rule.
Please register here.
For inquiries, please contact Marie Wagner (
This event series takes place under the umbrella of PeaceLab, a project by the Global Public Policy Institute and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. The PeaceLab project aims to promote practical, forward-looking debates on German and European policies on conflict prevention, stabilization and peacebuilding. For more information, visit or follow @PeaceLabBlog.