
Netanyahu’s Defining Hour

Source: Mathknight / Flickr
Lauren Harrison
02 Apr 2014, 
published in
Foreign Policy in Focus

While the world watches Kiev, the Middle East peace process is once again on the verge of collapse. After almost nine months of feverish efforts by Secretary of State John Kerry, we’re now less than a month away from the deadline for an agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. The prospects of reaching any form of agreement in late April are grim, and the current standoff over this weekend’s aborted prisoner release threatens to definitively end this round of talks.

Twenty-six Palestinians prisoners, all of whom had been convicted before the 1993 Oslo Accords, were slated to be released this past Saturday as part of the original agreement reached last July. Now, under increasing pressure from hardline members of the Likud and Jewish Home parties, Prime Minister Netanyahu is demanding that the Palestinians commit to extending the peace process beyond April before he will release this final group of prisoners.

Such a deal would be a mistake. Now is not the time for the US to make concessions on behalf of Israel; now is the time for much-needed political courage from Netanyahu, whose credibility and commitment to the peace process have been in question since the first days of this peace process. 

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