Publications by Joel Sandhu
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Commentary 19 Dec 2016
Ein Ausweg aus Hongkongs politischer Krise
By Joel SandhuDie Gefahr ist groß, dass die politischen Ausschreitungen in Hongkong zwischen Anhängern Chinas und Befürwortern einer Unabhängigkeit der chinesischen Sonderverwaltungszone in der nächsten Zeit weiter eskalieren. Anfang November verhinderte China, dass die demokratisch gewählten Abgeordneten Yau… -
Commentary 19 Dec 2016
The Islamic State in South Asia: A Growing Threat
By Joel SandhuAs the coordinated global offensive against the so-called Islamic State (IS) strongholds in parts of Iraq and Syria intensifies, a premature celebration is already underway. While the group has been on the back foot for the past few months, it is too early to claim victory. The IS outreach model may… -
Commentary 29 Nov 2016
Localists Should Fight to Protect Hong Kong’s Autonomy, Not Seek Independence
By Joel SandhuPolitical flare-ups between pro- and anti-Beijing supporters have catapulted Hong Kong into the international spotlight. Beijing’s increasing intervention in Hong Kong’s political affairs has led to violent street clashes between the two camps in the city and international condemnations of China.… -
Commentary 09 Nov 2016
Hong Kongers, Be Honest About Your Independence
By Joel SandhuWhen visiting my native Hong Kong last September, I wanted to know what my friends and other locals had to say about recent political flare-ups that catapulted the city into the international spotlight. Days before I landed in the territory, six young, pro-democracy candidates had won seats in Hong… -
Project report 14 Jun 2016
Beyond Strategic Planning: Global Governance Futures
The oft-invoked “international community” has been caught off guard by a number of events in recent years: the refugee crisis, the rash of terrorist attacks by sympathizers of the Islamic State, regional instability across the Middle East, the Ebola and Zika viruses, the Panama Papers revelations… -
Commentary 29 Mar 2016
Can the EU-India Summit Revive a Flagging Partnership?
The strategic partnership between India and the European Union has stagnated over the years, producing few results in terms of strategic cooperation. Last year, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi dropped Brussels from his itinerary and planned his trip to accommodate other important European… -
Commentary 11 Oct 2012
GG2022: New Thinking for Global Governance Needed
This piece was published by the Global Policy journal and written as part of the Global Governance 2022 program ↪ , a series of dialogues focusing on the possible futures of global governance and how the international institutions can prepare for challenges and risks in an uncertain future.… -
Commentary 22 Jun 2011
The Debating Chamber - Time for Real Leadership for the World’s Hungry
Article 01 Mar 2011
The Nuclear Crescent: Pakistan and the Bomb
By Joel Sandhu -
Commentary 22 Jul 2010
Reviving Global Nuclear Governance
By Joel Sandhu -
Commentary 06 Feb 2010
Reinvigorating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Towards a new consensus
Commentary 08 Jan 2009
EU-India Relations: From Blind Spot to Strategic Engagement
By Joel Sandhu