Europe Is Ready to Team Up on China — if Trump Is
A US-EU trade war could derail a combined effort to face down China. Here’s why Donald Trump should choose a different path.
Event Series: Ideas of Energy
In a series of informal talks, we want to explore the ideas we hold about energy and its role in current domestic and foreign policy: What is at stake? Who wins and who loses? Where can history serve as a point of reference — and where do we find ourselves in uncharted territory?
The next episodes, on “Energy and War and Peace” (with Helen Thompson), will take place on January 16, 2025.
Gegen den Strich: Zukunftsforschung und Sicherheitspolitik
Kassandra hat es, so der Mythos, mit präzisen Prognosen versucht und wurde ebenso ignoriert wie Deutschlands osteuropäische Nachbarn vor Russlands Vollinvasion der Ukraine. Was kann die Zukunftsforschung zu einer besseren Sicherheitspolitik beitragen?
“As Large of a Lead as Possible”?
With Donald Trump’s inauguration around the corner, we took stock of the Biden administration’s track record on Critical and Emerging Technologies. How effective were the US measures to promote and protect American tech, specifically vis-à-vis China? And did they further US national interests?
Evaluating the International Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia
Over the past decade, Somalia has faced continuous droughts, with the incredibly severe 2021 – 2023 droughts compounding the effects of previous crises. In this project, we analyze the international response launched in response to this ever-worsening humanitarian crisis.
Neurotechnology: Considerations for Foreign and Security Policy
This project analyzes the rapidly developing field of neurotechnology from the perspectives of foreign and security policy. How might Germany take on a strategic position in the global neurotechnology ecosystem?
Wenn Sie sich nur eine Sache für 2025 vornehmen – dann diese
Kriege, Konflikte, Sorgen: 2025 beginnt mit unübersehbaren Herausforderungen. Unsere Gastautorin nennt drei Gründe, warum wir trotz allem die Menschlichkeit nicht aufgeben sollten.
Multiperspectivity, a Resolute Both
In view of the parallelism of great power conflict, transnational relations, and existential threats such as the climate crisis, multiperspectivity is more imperative than ever. Karl Kaiser’s foreign policy heirs – unafraid to engage in uncomfortable debates – should adopt and adapt it.
Syria: Only a Return Policy That Focuses on Development Will Be a Good One
The German debate on a potential return of Syrian refugees is misguided. Rather than peddle short-sighted measures, all political parties and the German government should ask themselves how they can promote development and stability in Syria. A good return policy can be a part of this.
Ukraine-Krieg: Die blinden Flecken von Olaf Scholz – und Friedrich Merz
Schwarz-Weiß-Denken zu den Eskalationsrisiken im Konflikt mit Russland wird den schwierigen Abwägungen, vor denen der nächste Bundeskanzler stehen wird, nicht gerecht. Wir sollten über unterschiedliche Risikoabwägungen streiten, ohne der anderen Seite Angst und Appeasement zu unterstellen.
B(R)ICS-Staaten als Vermittler im Ukraine-Krieg?
Warum werden die BICS-Länder als potenzielle Vermittler betrachtet? Und wie effektiv und bereit sind sie, wenn es darum geht, einen Frieden zwischen Russland und der Ukraine zu vermitteln?
Neurotechnology: Considerations for Foreign and Security Policy
This project analyzes the rapidly developing field of neurotechnology from the perspectives of foreign and security policy. How might Germany take on a strategic position in the global neurotechnology ecosystem?