Publications by Wade Hoxtell
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Global Order
Humanitarian Action
Peace & Security
Rights & Democracy
Data & Tech Politics
Study 13 Jun 2024
Mitigating Disinformation in Europe
By Wade HoxtellThe incoming European Commission should prioritize enforcing the EU’s recent digital and AI regulations, rather than rush to produce new ones, while providing the necessary support to civil society and private actors – its indispensable allies in the fight.… -
Study 12 Oct 2023
Whose Bright Idea Was That?
How do think tankers know if they are making a difference? The short answer: most don't, even though many think tanks are doing more to try to measure their effectiveness and impact. We propose a framework that can help organizations like ours better assess and perhaps even improve their work.… -
Study 22 Nov 2019
Internet Governance: Past, Present, and Future
The free and open model of the internet is under serious threat. What do these challenges mean for the future of internet governance?… -
Study 24 Apr 2019
Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa
What is driving or inhibiting the automation revolution? How do these factors apply to sub-Saharan Africa? This paper concludes that, while tough times may be coming for some, the impact of automation in the region will mostly be limited.… -
Interview 12 Mar 2019
The Web at 30: What’s the State of Internet Governance?
By Wade HoxtellA symbol of global cooperation and equality or of anarchy and lawlessness? A tool for liberation and empowerment or for repression and polarization? On the 30th birthday of the world wide web, Wade Hoxtell discusses key challenges facing the Internet and the importance of getting Internet governance right.… -
Study 09 Mar 2017
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda: Challenges and Options for Oversight at the United Nations
By Wade HoxtellUnited Nations entities have long entered into multi-stakeholder partnerships with companies and civil society organizations. However, concerns about transparency, accountability, and effectiveness have prompted new discussions about the potential need for greater intergovernmental oversight over… -
Article 05 Jan 2017
Wirksam und verantwortungsvoll gestalten: UN-Partnerschaften mit der Wirtschaft am Scheideweg
By Wade HoxtellAbstract Die Vereinten Nationen schließen nicht erst seit gestern Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen. Allerdings geben die Zunahme der Kooperationen und die Art der Zusammenarbeit in den letzten Jahren Anlass, Bedenken in Bezug auf Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht zu äußern. Die UN müssen eine… -
Article 05 Jan 2017
Effective and Accountable: UN-Business Partnerships at a Crossroads
By Wade HoxtellAbstract Now more than ever, governments are calling on the private sector to contribute to achieving economic, social and environmental goals. While the UN system and its agencies, funds and programmes have long entered into partnerships with companies, the increase in the number and types of… -
Study 06 May 2015
Business Engagement in Humanitarian Response and Disaster Risk Management
Background Two forms of business engagement exist in the context of humanitarian response and disaster risk management: commercial engagement, in which companies are paid for their products and services, and non-commercial engagement in which companies partner with humanitarian organizations for… -
Study 15 Mar 2014
Linking Energy Access to Carbon Emission Reductions and Subsidy Reforms
By Wade HoxtellIntroduction The lack of universal access to modern energy is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Nearly 1.3 billion people worldwide still lack access to electricity; another billion are believed to suffer from intermittent power supply, while more than 2.6 billion rely on hazardous… -
Policy brief 28 Feb 2014
Connecting Security and Development: Towards a Transatlantic Strategy in Fragile States
Working paper 15 Jul 2013
The EU-US Development Dialogue: Past, Present and Future
The United States and Europe are still the world heavyweights of development assistance. Together, the US, the European Commission and the 27 EU member states provide almost two-thirds of global official development assistance. Despite the much-discussed and growing role of “new donors,” stronger… -
Study 30 Jun 2013
UN-Business Partnerships: A Handbook
Working paper 28 Feb 2012
The Impact of Shale Gas on European Energy Security
Introduction Gas markets are in flux. In most of the OECD world, gas demand has faltered during the past years, a consequence of the ongoing financial and economic crisis. At the same time, soaring unconventional (shale) gas production, mainly in the US, coupled with increasing global capacity in… -
Working paper 01 Feb 2012
Addressing Carbon Emissions and Oil Price Volatility
Introduction The common dependency on energy, shared by societies around the world, entails policy challenges of global nature and scope. From dealing with the negative externalities of greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to dwindling low-cost reserves of fossil fuels in the context of massively… -
Study 31 Dec 2009
Coming of Age: UN-Private Sector Collaboration Since 2000
Working paper 31 Dec 2008
Towards a Global Carbon Market? The Potential and Limits of Carbon Market Integration