Publications by Mario Domisse
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Web essay 18 Feb 2019
At the Tip of the Spear: Armed Groups’ Impact on Displacement and Return in Post-ISIL Iraq
This web essay disentangles the motivations and strategies of various sub-state forces accused of forced displacement, blocked returns, and related protection concerns.… -
Commentary 28 Mar 2018
Germany in Iraq: Questions to Be Asked and Answered
In 2017, the German government adopted the ‘Guidelines on Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace’ to make its crisis engagement more political, strategic and coherent. Germany’s civilian stabilization efforts in Iraq, as well as the Federal Armed Forces’ deployment in the country –… -
Commentary 23 Mar 2018
Irak-Mandat: Transparenz schafft Vertrauen
Study 13 Sep 2017
Iraq after ISIL: Baiji
Shi’a PMF forces helped to capture and still control significant parts of this Sunni Arab district. They also looted the area’s most valuable asset, an oil refinery. Civilian returns have been minimal to this district, which faces diminished economic prospects, ongoing security threats from the… -
Commentary 13 Aug 2017
Ohne Helden geht es nicht
Wehrmachtsdevotionalien, entwürdigende Ausbildungspraktiken, sexuelle Belästigung, Demütigungen und der Fall um Franco A – 2017 häufen sich die Vorwürfe gegenüber der Bundeswehr. Das Verteidigungsministerium zieht die personellen und organisatorischen Konsequenzen: Generale werden entlassen, der… -
Project report 26 Jul 2017
PeaceLab2016: A Fresh Look at Crisis Prevention
Ladies and gentlemen, we need you! We need your critical questions, your experience, your ideas and your suggestions. We should talk openly about what we are already doing well, and how we can become even better and more efficient. With these remarks at an event on 5 July 2016, then-Foreign Minister… -
Project report 20 Jul 2017
PeaceLab2016: Krisenprävention weiter denken
Meine Damen und Herren, wir brauchen Sie! Ihre kritischen Fragen. Ihre Erfahrungen, Ihre Einwürfe und Ihre Anregungen. Wir wollen offen diskutieren, wo wir bereits gut arbeiten und wo und wie wir noch besser und effizienter werden können. Mit diesen Worten eröffnete der damalige Außenminister Frank-… -
Commentary 29 Jun 2017
Germans Should Accept What a Military Is For, or Get Used to Disappointment
A band of Neo-Nazi officers allegedly conspiring to commit a false-flag terrorist attack was only the most bizarre of the scandals that has rattled Germany’s military in the past year. Other allegations include sadistic practices in training, sexual harassment, and revelations about World War II… -
Article 26 Apr 2017
Choices of Justice
Abstract In the immediate aftermath of intrastate conflict, states utilize justice mechanisms to address past abuses and to move towards the construction of sustainable peace. However, despite the recognition that justice mechanisms may help facilitate the reconstruction of postconflict states,…