Study 26 September 2024

Building Evaluation Capacity to Improve Extremism Prevention

Evaluation toolkits can help practitioners in extremism prevention understand what does and doesn’t work and improve programs accordingly. But there is little evidence about what makes such resources effective. This study recommends steps toolkit developers and funders can take to maximize the value of their instruments.

They Came to Liberate’ Us and Left Us with Nothing”

What does life look like for Ukrainians who live under Russia’s occupation?

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Policy brief

A Growing Gap: EU Peace and Security Funding Beyond Ukraine

Much of the EU’s spending on peace and security-related programs is too rigid to allow for quick responses to emerging crises. And the flexible funds that do exist are already heavily depleted. As a result, many conflict-affected countries now face a funding deficit unless the EU changes course.


Making Foresight Count: Success Factors for Futures Analysis in Foreign and Security Policy

Ever wondered how different types of futures analysis could help improve policy processes, and how to implement them successfully? Based on insights from three projects, this study offers inspiration and guidance.


Digital Threats to Elections: Learning From What Has Worked in Africa

To help donors and implementers better mitigate digital threats and safeguard elections, this study relays insights from successful efforts by international, national and local organizations working across the African continent.

Sharpening the Strategic Agenda on Critical and Emerging Technologies

Domains like semiconductors, quantum computing, AI, and biotech are rapidly advancing. What are the economic, societal and security implications? And how should policymakers in Berlin and Brussels respond? With this project, we seek to advance the public and policy debates in German and Europe.

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Policy brief

Gender-Sensitive Capacity-Building for Ukraine’s Civilian Security Sector

International actors should prioritize measures to strenghten the capacity of Ukraine’s State Emergency Service and National Police by improving gender equality and inclusion within these institutions as well as in their work with Ukrainian communities.

By Hanna Hrytsenko
Policy brief

Gender Considerations in the International Response to Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

This brief examines how international organizations in Ukraine have integrated gender considerations into their activities and outlines how they can work toward more gender-sensitive assistance.

By Kseniya Oksamytna, Felicity Gray

5G und Huawei: Anatomie eines Politikversagens

Seit Jahren wird über den Einsatz von chinesischer Technologie beim Ausbau des 5G-Mobilfunknetzes in Deutschland gestritten. Nun hat sich die Bundesregierung auf einen kooperativen Kompromiss“ mit den Netzbetreibern geeinigt, der jedoch zentrale Sicherheitslücken offenlässt.


Sold Out: Support for Ukraine

A casualty of the draft German federal budget for 2025 appears to be support for Ukraine. Clinging to its debt brake, Berlin is tying its top foreign policy priority to a shaky plan. This would be a mistake.


Rüstungswahn oder Realpolitik? Warum Wehrfähigkeit mehr als nur eine Zahl ist

Warum den Wehretat erhöhen, wenn doch die NATO-Staaten Russland in Sachen Verteidigungsausgaben vielfach übertreffen und die russische Armee in der Ukraine ausblutet“? Weil Russland sich für eine langfristige Konfrontation mit dem Westen aufstellt – und Geld nicht gleich Einsatzfähigkeit ist.

Policy brief

The Hidden Front of Russia’s War

From awareness-raising campaigns to economic empowerment for women, this brief details what international actors should do to respond to increased gender-based violence in Ukraine – and how they should work with Ukrainian partners to do it.

By Galyna Kotliuk