Commentary 17 February 2025

Germany Votes: Reading, Listening & Viewing Recommendations for Germany’s 2025 Election

GPPi experts have curated a selection of reading, listening and viewing recommendations that helped them grapple with some of the issues at stake in Germany’s 2025 election. We hope these resources will also help you learn, reflect and engage in the lead-up to this important election.

Beyond the Headlines: Germany’s 2025 Election and Ukraine

In this new video series, four GPPi experts shed light on critical dimensions of Russia’s war against Ukraine that risk being lost in Germany’s election-driven debates, highlighting the issues they think are most important for incoming policymakers and the public to understand.

Watch the Videos

Gegen den Strich: Zukunftsforschung und Sicherheitspolitik

Kassandra hat es, so der Mythos, mit präzisen Prognosen versucht und wurde ebenso ignoriert wie Deutschlands osteuropäische Nachbarn vor Russlands Vollinvasion der Ukraine. Was kann die Zukunftsforschung zu einer besseren Sicherheitspolitik beitragen?

Case study

“As Large of a Lead as Possible”?

With Donald Trump’s inauguration around the corner, we took stock of the Biden administration’s track record on Critical and Emerging Technologies. How effective were the US measures to promote and protect American tech, specifically vis-à-vis China? And did they further US national interests? 


Political Tools for Managing Crises in Africa

The African continent faces several governance and security challenges, ranging from civil wars to coups and violent extremism. Previous policy responses, both African and European, have often been inadequate. We propose policy recommendations for long-term stabilization.

Neurotechnology: Considerations for Foreign and Security Policy

This project analyzes the rapidly developing field of neurotechnology from the perspectives of foreign and security policy. How might Germany take on a strategic position in the global neurotechnology ecosystem?

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Wie geht es nach MSC und Bundestagswahl weiter?

Die Phrase von einem Weckruf“ für Europa kann keiner mehr hören. Europa muss längst hellwach sein und handeln. Darüber redet Thorsten Benner bei Der Zeitenwende Podcast. 


In the Grip of Trump, Putin & Xi

Days away from the German election, Germany and the European Union find themselves caught in the grip of a modern triumvirate: Trump, Putin and Xi. The task for the next German government is clear: reorganize Germany’s and Europe’s self-assertion in a hostile world.


Andreas Heinemann-Grüder zu Beziehungen zwischen USA und Ukraine

Phoenix, der Dokumentationskanal von ARD und ZDF, hat Andreas Heinemann-Grüder von GPPi eingeladen, um über die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und der Ukraine im Zuge der Münchner Sicherheitkonferenz zu sprechen.


Die Brandmauer gegen die AfD ist endgültig eine Illusion

Die USA wollen, dass die AfD in Deutschland mitregiert. Das machte der US-Vizepräsident bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz unverhohlen klar. Doch Empörung darüber reicht nicht. Nur radikale Ehrlichkeit.

Journal article

Feminist Foreign Policy for Ukraine – A Case of Hardship?

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, conventional wisdome suggested that feminist foreign policy (FFP), with its pacifist principles, was ill-equipped to deal with war returning to Europe. Niklas Balbon argues that this stereotypical understanding of feminism is based on serious misconceptions about the war. 


Embracing Hard Power

Since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine, Germany has spent nearly 16 billion euros in direct bilateral financial, military and humanitarian aid in support of Ukraine. Julia Friedrich argues that Ukraine losing the war would connote a German failure and reminds the incoming government that Germany has a responsibility to shape the outcome of the war.