Publications by Thorsten Benner
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Commentary 28 Oct 2021
Deutschland muss Peking in Taiwan die Stirn bieten
Peking erhöht den Druck auf deutsche Akteure, die Ein-China-Politik umzudeuten. Deutschland muss sich zur Unabhängigkeit Taiwans positionieren – und wenn nötig wirtschaftliche Druckmittel einsetzen.… -
Article 27 Oct 2021
How (Not) to Deal with the Vulnerabilities of Democracies to Outside Influence
In recent years, authoritarian states like China and Russia have used their power to influence democracies. What can democratic actors do to better protect themselves? … -
Commentary 10 Sep 2021
Germany’s Acid Test: Systemic Competition
To compete against systemic rivals like China, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s successor will need to be more ambitious in strengthening the German model. How could that look?… -
Commentary 08 Sep 2021
The ‘Zoomification’ of Academia: Addressing Risks to Academic Freedom
The pandemic made online learning a key part of university life. But virtual platforms also allow for surveillance by authoritarian states and increase pressures to self-censor. How can academia better protect scholars and students?… -
Commentary 01 Sep 2021
Mit Fragezeichen im Systemwettbewerb
Angela Merkel versprach einst eine „neue Gründerzeit“. Die muss ihren Nachfolgern nun gelingen, damit Deutschland gegen Autokratien wie China bestehen kann.… -
Commentary 17 Aug 2021
Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik schaden sich in der Corona-Krise gegenseitig
Corona zeigt, wie schwierig das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft, Politik und Medien sein kann. Ein Plädoyer gegen eine weitere Polarisierung der Debatte.… -
Commentary 05 Aug 2021
Pitfalls Between Science, Politics and Public Debate: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers with dissenting opinions are often classified as an irrelevant minority. But those who deny the real diversity of scientific opinion undermine trust in science – and in politics.… -
Commentary 26 Jul 2021
Die Untergangsängste der Kanzlerin
Ja, es geht auch um deutsche Wirtschaftsinteressen. Doch der wahre Grund für Merkels zurückhaltende China-Politik ist ein anderer: Sie hält Deutschland und das fragile Gebilde Europa für zu schwach im Wettbewerb mit China.… -
Commentary 14 Jul 2021
The Undeniable Pessimism of Angela Merkel’s Worldview
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy on China is defined by a doom-and-gloom mentality about Europe’s trajectory of power. If Berlin's new government wants to change course, it'll need a psychological shift.… -
Commentary 22 Jun 2021
Will I Return to China?
Darker days lie ahead for foreign researchers working in China. To counteract Beijing’s repression, democracies should invest in independent research on China under more difficult conditions.… -
Commentary 11 May 2021
Warum ich nicht mehr nach China reise
China setzt deutsche Wissenschaftler unter Druck, das Kanzleramt schweigt. Thorsten Benner erklärt hier, warum er Reisen nach China meidet.… -
Commentary 05 May 2021
„Die gewünschte Schockwirkung erzielen“
In der Corona-Krise werden Forscher mit abweichenden Meinungen gern als irrelevante Minderheit klassifiziert. Doch wer die tatsächliche Vielfalt des wissenschaftlichen Meinungsspektrums leugnet, untergräbt das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft – und in die Politik.… -
Commentary 23 Apr 2021
German Greens’ Reality Check
It is hard to imagine that Germany's next coalition government will not include the Greens. But on foreign and security policy, such a government will likely frustrate Germany's NATO allies.… -
Commentary 25 Feb 2021
Lehren aus der 5G-Saga
Trotz jahrelangem Hin und Her hat Deutschland immer noch keinen verlässlichen gesetzlichen Rahmen für den Ausbau des 5G-Netzes verabschiedet. Was können wir von der deutschen 5G-Saga lernen?… -
Commentary 15 Feb 2021
Multilateralism Needs Democracy
Germany should put collaboration among democracies at the heart of the Alliance for Multilateralism. But doing so will require a commitment to credibility, solidarity and working with partners outside the 'old West'.… -
Commentary 18 Dec 2020
Why Good China Policy Is About More Than Just Relations With Beijing
If it wants to persist in the “competition of systems” with China's authoritarian state capitalism, Europe needs to assert itself as a player in its own right – with its own strategy. A key element of that should be cooperation with like-minded partners.… -
Commentary 16 Dec 2020
Kindred Spirits: How a Post-Brexit Britain and the EU Can Work Together to Strengthen Multilateralism
The UK and the EU are about to open a new chapter in their relationship, one that offers both sides an opportunity to focus more on what they can do together to shape the global order. They should not let it go to waste.… -
Commentary 28 Oct 2020
Competitive Cooperation: How to Think About Strengthening Multilateralism
How should we (not) think about the crisis of multilateralism? A breakdown of the misguided narratives around multilateral action and how we should reframe the conversation.… -
Study 22 Oct 2020
Risky Business: Rethinking Research Cooperation and Exchange with Non-Democracies
The assumption that research cooperation and dialogue with non-democracies will induce democratic change has not stood the test of time. Organizations in liberal democracies need to rethink how they engage and cooperate with their counterparts in authoritarian contexts.… -
Commentary 18 Sep 2020
Europe and China’s ‘Virtual Summit’
The EU-China Summit was a key event for the China rethink happening across Europe. Here’s why 2020 will go down in history as the year the EU shed illusions about a "comprehensive strategic partnership" with Beijing.…