• Commentary 29 Sep 2017

    Feigenblätter des Illiberalismus

    Zum „Glück für die liberale Demokratie“ gebe es den „Eigennutz global operierender Kapitalisten“, argumentierte ein Leitartikler jüngst im Tagesspiegel. Er verbreitete die Hoffnung, dass sich Apple, General Electric & Facebook sich mit ihrer ganzen Kraft gegen Trumps nationalistische Engstirnigkeit…
  • Commentary 29 Sep 2017

    Handling the Alternative for Germany

    “We will hunt her,” Alexander Gauland exclaimed to a crowd of supporters in Berlin late on September 24. “We will hunt Mrs. Merkel and whomever else. And we will take our country and our people back.” Gauland’s party, the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), had just won a historic victory in…
  • Commentary 26 Sep 2017

    The German Shake-Up: Rocky Road Ahead for Angela Merkel

    It would seem that German voters reserved the big bang for the ballot box, as if to counteract what many observers had decried as a "boring election". In a major shake-up, a record number of seven parties secured seats in the Bundestag following Sunday's election, including the extreme right-wing…
  • Commentary 21 Sep 2017

    Dis­tan­ziert euch von den Au­to­kra­ten!

    Die Re­gie­run­gen in Un­garn und Po­len ern­ten schon seit Län­ge­rem Kri­tik von ih­ren eu­ro­päi­schen Nach­barn. So sag­te der fran­zö­si­sche Prä­si­dent Em­ma­nu­el Ma­cron erst kürz­lich, man­cher po­li­ti­sche Füh­rer aus Ost­eu­ro­pa of­fen­ba­re ei­ne „zy­ni­sche Her­an­ge­hens­wei­se“…
  • Commentary 15 Sep 2017

    An Era of Authoritarian Influence?

    For two decades after the end of the Cold War, the direction of international influence was clear: it radiated from liberal democracies outward, as the West sought to spread its model of governance around the world. With the help of Western-led democracy promotion, the thinking went, authoritarian…
  • Commentary 18 Aug 2017

    Schröder’s Russian Sell-Out

    Last week’s nomination of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to the board of Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil company, is the most spectacular example to date of a Western politician selling out to an authoritarian government. Though the move is unlikely to change Berlin’s stance toward Russia,…
  • Commentary 18 Aug 2017

    Lehren aus der Schröder-Rosneft-Saga

    Letzte Woche nominierte der russische Premier Medvedev Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder für einen Posten als “unabhängiges Mitglied” im Aufsichtsrat von Rosneft, dem größten und staatlich kontrollierten russischen Ölkonzern. Es ist der bislang spektakulärste Fall des Anheuerns eines westlichen Ex-…
  • Commentary 01 Aug 2017

    Einstehen für die liberale Ordnung?

    Für ein Vierteljahrhundert nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer sahen sich Deutschland und Europa als Hort der liberalen Demokratie, die auch global auf dem Siegeszug war. Autoritäre Regierungsmodelle würden sich bald auf dem Müllhaufen der Geschichte wiederfinden. Dabei sollte westliche…
  • Commentary 28 Jul 2017

    Investing in Illiberalism

    “Europe,” Emmanuel Macron said last month, “isn’t a supermarket.” The French president was referring to the recent illiberal actions of some central and eastern European states, which he argued had come to rely on the bloc to “dispens[e] credit” in the form of budgetary assistance “without…
  • Commentary 28 Apr 2017

    World Court in the Dock

    Earlier this month, Donald Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, was asked if the US president believed that Syrian President Assad had committed war crimes. “I think that there is a court that decides those things,” Spicer replied. Indeed there is: the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The…
  • Commentary 18 Apr 2017

    It is Time for International Investors to Speak Up About Hungary’s Assault on Democracy

    Earlier this month, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned against an assault on civil society and academic freedom in the heart of Europe. “Europe must raise its voice,” he declared. He was referring specifically to the predicament of the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. The…
  • Commentary 05 Apr 2017

    Orbans „illiberaler Staat“: Deutsche Unternehmen müssen dem Spiel ein Ende bereiten

    Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier mahnte am Dienstag, Europa dürfe „nicht schweigen, wenn der Zivilgesellschaft, selbst der Wissenschaft – wie jetzt an der Central European University (CEU) in Budapest – die Luft zum Atmen genommen werden soll.“ In einer in der EU bislang beispiellosen Attacke…
  • Interview 03 Apr 2017

    Dealing with the Authoritarian Challenges to Liberal Democracy

    Badisches Tagblatt: What has stopped the global spread of liberal democracy that many hoped for and expected in the 1990s? Thorsten Benner: Liberal democracy means separation of powers, rule of law, minority rights, and a permanent contest of interest groups. All this presupposes political elites…
  • Interview 03 Apr 2017

    Für viele ein attraktives Paket

    BT: Herr Benner, was hat den globalen Siegeszug der liberalen Demokratie, an den man in den 90er Jahren glaubte, gestoppt? Thorsten Benner: Liberale Demokratie heißt Gewaltenteilung, Rechtsstaat und Minderheitenrechte, Dauerwettstreit der Interessengruppen. All das setzt politische Eliten voraus,…
  • Commentary 02 Mar 2017

    ‘Control’ Is the New Core of Germany’s Refugee Policy

    On March 2 and 3, German Chancellor Angela Merkel travels to Egypt and Tunisia. Concerns about migration and refugees will top the agenda of her talks with Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed. As she prepares for crucial elections this September, for…
  • Commentary 17 Nov 2016

    Germany Can Protect the Liberal Order

    As U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Berlin for a farewell visit on Wednesday, German policymakers were scrambling to develop a road map for dealing with the presidency of his successor, Donald Trump. Last week, in a congratulatory note to the president-elect, German Chancellor Angela Merkel…
  • Commentary 15 Nov 2016

    Facing Up to Authoritarian Influence-Peddling

    While the US was debating Russian hacking and leaks ahead of its elections, EU leaders met last month to discuss Moscow’s efforts to influence European liberal democracies through misinformation and propaganda. “We don’t have the tools to look at this centrally,” one senior EU diplomat complained,…
  • Commentary 09 Nov 2016

    Wir brauchen eine Abwehrstrategie

    Autoritäre Staaten nutzen die selbstverantworteten Schwächen offener Gesellschaften aus. Namentlich unsere allzu willfährigen Dienstleister bieten eine willkommene Angriffsfläche, dazu gehören Dienstleister aus der Finanzwirtschaft, Lobbyfirmen und Anwaltskanzleien. Die Hackerangriffe auf das…
  • Commentary 27 Sep 2016

    Germany’s Right-Wing Challenge

    In recent years, Germany has emerged as Europe’s preeminent power not only because of the strength of its economy but also because of the extraordinary stability of its political system. Chancellor Angela Merkel is the embodiment of this stability: for most of the past decade, she has been able to…
  • Commentary 17 Sep 2016

    The End of German Populist Exceptionalism

    With this Sunday’s elections in Berlin, the right-wing populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is expected to enter the tenth regional parliament in Germany. While the AfD is drawing voters from all mainstream parties, the bleeding from Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is the…