• Commentary 06 Jun 2014

    Para globalizar o marco da internet

    "A internet que queremos só é possível num cenário de respeito aos direitos humanos, em particular à privacidade e à liberdade de expressão". Foi com essas palavras que a presidente Dilma Rousseff abriu o encontro global NETMundial sobre o futuro da governança da internet, em São Paulo, no final de…
  • Commentary 05 Jun 2014

    Tickende Zeitbombe BND

    Vor einem Jahr begannen die Enthüllungen Edward Snowdens über das bis zu diesem Moment kaum vorstellbare Ausmaß der weltweiten Überwachung durch den US-Geheimdienst NSA. Deutschland steht seitdem an vorderster Front im Kampf gegen die Verletzung der Privatsphäre der Bürger. Im November brachte die…
  • Commentary 04 Jun 2014

    Berlin Must Practice What it Preaches

    A year ago this week, Edward Snowden started his leaks revealing that the NSA conducted mass surveillance of citizens across the globe on a scale and with a technological sophistication few had dared to imagine. Germany has been at the forefront of pushing back against the violation of privacy…
  • Commentary 28 Apr 2014

    Brazil and Germany Must Lead on Free Internet

    When President Dilma Rousseff signed Brazil's landmark 'Marco Civil Da Internet', a comprehensive new law that safeguards citizens' digital rights on key fronts and the result of a broad participatory process, it marked the decisive coming out of Brazil as a progressive player on digital rights on…
  • Commentary 14 Mar 2014

    The Normative War Around Crimea

    The Group of 7 leaders did not mince words in a joint statement on Wednesday. They called the referendum in Crimea a "direct violation of the Constitution of Ukraine" and labeled Moscow's support for Crimea's bid to join the Russia Federation a "violation of international law" not covered by the…
  • Commentary 19 Dec 2013

    Common European Defense Policy Needs New Impetus

    European security and defense policy "needs to become more efficient, more visible and more effective," German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded Wednesday in her first speech as a head of the new coalition government. But when the EU summit on Thursday and Friday discusses the future of the common…
  • Commentary 31 Oct 2013

    United Kingdom of Surveillance

    On the face of it, at their summit last week in Brussels, EU leaders presented a united front of controlled outrage against the revelations that the NSA had not just collected the data of millions of ordinary citizens but also spied on German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Francois…
  • Commentary 21 Oct 2013

    Pilloried Peacekeepers

    In October 2010, a cholera outbreak started in Haiti. Until now, it has claimed almost 9000 lives in a country where no cases of the disease had been recorded for 150 years. Despite efforts to contain it, the epidemic still kills about 1000 people per year. Three years later, earlier this month, a…
  • Commentary 28 Aug 2013

    Germany’s Response to the Syria Conundrum

    Berlin didn't mince words: A "taboo" has been broken and "a crime against civilization" has been committed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle used the strongest possible terms to denounce the large-scale use of chemical weapons in Syria. Merkel's spokesperson…
  • Commentary 22 Aug 2013

    Frei, offen und sicher: Deutschland sollte sich für mehr Datenschutz im Internet einsetzen

  • Commentary 19 Aug 2013

    Vieira de Mello’s Lessons

    Exactly ten years ago, on August 19 2003, a terrorist attack in Baghdad killed Sergio Vieira de Mello, then chief of the UN mission in Iraq. 21 UN colleagues and local staff from 11 countries died in the rubble of the Canal Hotel where the UN had set up shop after the US invasion. The attack sent…
  • Commentary 12 Jun 2013

    Keeping Tabs on the New Hi-Tech Warriors

    The Brandenburg gate as a backdrop. A reference to the John F. Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech from almost exactly 50 years ago. A few warm words on the continuing relevance of the transatlantic alliance. It could be so easy for President Barack Obama to win over the German public and…
  • Book chapter 26 May 2013

    Learning in International Organizations

  • Commentary 01 May 2013

    The Awakening of the German Netizen?

    As of May 2, Deutsche Telekom (DT), Germany's former state monopolist turned stock-listed telecommunication provider, will no longer sell flat-rate Internet access packages. Users who exceed a monthly data allowance will face severe cuts to the quality of their service - in the worst case throwing…
  • Working paper 31 Mar 2013

    Brazil as a Norm Entrepeneur

    On 21 September 2011, Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff declared in a speech to the UN General Assembly: “Much is said about the responsibility to protect; yet we hear little about responsibility in protecting. These are concepts that we must develop together.” In the following months, the Brazilian…
  • Commentary 07 Feb 2013

    The EU’s Cyber Hodgepodge

    "We want a peaceful strategy because you don't want to play with fire by developing cyber weapons." This is how EU Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes, a driving force behind the new EU "cyber security strategy" that was unveiled in Brussels on Thursday, sums up the EU approach to cyber defense.…
  • Article 31 Dec 2012

    Internet. Wer regiert das World Wide Web und nach welchen Prinzipien?

  • Article 09 Dec 2012

    Brasilien als Normunternehmer. Die “Responsibility While Protecting”

  • Commentary 06 Dec 2012

    Der Einfluss des Westens auf das Internet ist zu groß

  • Commentary 02 Dec 2012

    The Dinosaurs’ Last Hurrah?

    "You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather." In 1996, John Perry Barlow, the apostle of the Independence of Cyberspace, famously disinvited governments from dealing with the business of the Internet. Now that cyberspace has developed from a hangout for the nerdy fringes…
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