• Commentary 19 May 2016

    In der Kryptofalle

    Während in den USA heftige Auseinandersetzungen um Verschlüsselungsmethoden und die daraus resultierenden Herausforderungen für Sicherheitsdienste toben, herrscht in Deutschland Ruhe. Offiziell gilt das Regierungsmantra der "Digitalen Agenda": "Wir unterstützen mehr und bessere Verschlüsselung",…
  • Commentary 10 May 2016

    Precarious Union: Why Europeans Need to Fight for Their Project

    June 23, 2016 might very well be a watershed moment for the European project. Depending on the results of the British referendum scheduled that day, it may mark the first time that a country leaves the European Union. This will come as a shock to those who still view the EU as a supranational…
  • Commentary 13 Apr 2016

    How Europe Can Get Encryption Right

    While Europe has taken a great interest in the “crypto war” between the US government and Apple as well as other Silicon Valley behemoths, it has yet to wake up to the gathering storm of encryption policy within its own borders. Various EU governments have proposed unilateral measures on how to deal…
  • Commentary 09 Mar 2016

    Populists Don’t Need to Run Europe to Ruin It

    Contrary to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s boldest dreams, illiberal national populists will not run Europe anytime soon. In many countries, the shrinking center still just about holds. But this should provide little comfort. Populists don’t need to run Europe to ruin it. Of course, the…
  • Commentary 08 Feb 2016

    Europas einsamer Hegemon

    Für den Oxford-Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Paul Collier liegen die Dinge klar. Angela Merkel ist verantwortlich für die Flüchtlingskrise. „Wer sonst?“. Er weiß auch ganz genau, warum Deutschland so gehandelt hat: „Deutschland gefällt sich offensichtlich in der Retterrolle“. Es wäre leicht, dies als…
  • Commentary 03 Feb 2016

    Europe’s Lonely Liberal Hegemon

    For Oxford economics professor Paul Collier things are crystal clear: “Angela Merkel is responsible for the refugee crisis. Who else?” It would be easy to dismiss Collier if he were not part of a growing chorus that sees Germany’s refugee policy as a morality play — with Merkel in the lead, chasing…
  • Commentary 27 Nov 2015

    Europe Needs to Step Up its Anti-Terror Cooperation

    In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, German President Joachim Gauck has been making loose talk about “a new kind of war,” which, some say, would require the creation of a new anti-terror unit for the European Union. But this misses the whole point. Europe does not have any shortage of special…
  • Commentary 27 Nov 2015

    Es fehlen nicht SEKs, es fehlt Wissen

    Europa braucht eine neue Form der Anti-Terror-Kooperation Der Bundespräsident orakelt von einer „neuen Art von Krieg“. Da liegt für einige der Gedanke einer neuen EU-weiten Truppe von Anti-Terrorspezialkräften nah, sozusagen einer schnellen Eingreiftruppe. Doch solche Gedanken gehen am wahren…
  • Commentary 02 Nov 2015

    Geschichtspolitik: Towards a Responsible Politics of the Past

    In July, during a press conference following an all-night negotiation in Brussels on the Greece bailout, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was asked to comment on the French minister of the economy’s comparison of the harsh conditionality of the Greece deal with the Versailles Treaty. Merkel’s answer…
  • Commentary 28 Oct 2015

    Die naive China-Politik beenden

    Vor zehn Jahren forderte Robert Zoellick, damals stellvertretender amerikanischer Außenminister, China auf, zu einem „verantwortlichen Teilhaber“ („responsible stakeholder“) zu werden: Denn Chinas Führer hätten entschieden, dass ihr Erfolg davon abhängt, mit der modernen Welt vernetzt zu sein. Über…
  • Commentary 22 Sep 2015

    Beyond the “Responsible Stakeholder” Illusion

    Exactly 10 years ago today, Robert Zoellick, US Deputy Secretary of State at the time, urged China to become a “responsible stakeholder.” He argued that “China has a responsibility to strengthen the international system that has enabled its success.” From Zoellick’s perspective, China’s “national…
  • Commentary 21 Jul 2015

    German Diplomacy Without Diplomats

    Last Friday, the German parliament overwhelmingly voted in favor of opening negotiations with Greece over a third bailout package. Once concluded, it will bring German guarantees for Greece to more than 100 billion euros. Rather than getting minimum credit for this, Germany’s image across Europe and…
  • Commentary 21 Jul 2015

    Deutsche Diplomatie ohne Diplomaten

    Letzten Freitag stimmte der Bundestag mit klarer Mehrheit für die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen mit Griechenland über ein neues Rettungspaket. Dieses würde die deutschen Garantien auf mehr als 100 Milliarden Euro bringen. Doch anstatt minimale Anerkennung dafür zu finden, befindet sich das…
  • Commentary 17 Jun 2015

    The Dangerous Game of the Orbánversteher

    Whitewashing the Challenges Posed by Viktor Orbán’s Authoritarian Populism Germany is used to the fact that the musings and actions of some of its retired politicians often betray lack of good judgment. Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt regularly defends Russian President Vladimir Putin and the heavy…
  • Commentary 10 Jun 2015

    No Return to a G8 with Russia. Ever.

    As the G7 leaders prepare to gather at the Elmau mountain retreat on Sunday, Russia's absence is fueling debate. Eckhard Cordes, chairman of the German business association representing companies with significant investments in Russia, recently said that barring Russia from the summit was a missed…
  • Study 07 Apr 2015

    Proteção Efetiva e Responsável contra Crimes de Atrocidade: A Caminho de uma Ação Global

    By Thorsten Benner, Sarah Brockmeier, Erna Burai, C.S.R. Murthy
    Sumário Executivo Uma década após as Nações Unidas adotarem o princípio da Responsabilidade de Proteger pessoas contra crimes de atrocidade (R2P), os resultados das iniciativas mundiais de proteção de indivíduos continuam trágicos. Entretanto, aqueles que identificam como causa desta falta de…
  • Policy brief 07 Apr 2015

    Effective and Responsible Protection from Atrocity Crimes: Toward Global Action

    By Thorsten Benner, Sarah Brockmeier, Erna Burai, C.S.R. Murthy
    Executive Summary A decade after the United Nations adopted the concept of a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) people from atrocity crimes, the world’s record of protection remains grim. But those who point to a global deadlock between “Western” interventionists and “non-Western” stalwarts of…
  • Policy brief 07 Apr 2015

    针对残暴犯罪 实施有效 负责任的保护: 走向全球行动

    By Thorsten Benner, Philipp Rotmann, Erna Burai, C.S.R. Murthy, Christopher Daase, J. Madhan Mohan, Julian Junk, Xymena Kurowska, Liu Tiewa, Wolfgang Reinicke, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Matias Spektor, Oliver Stuenkel, Marcos Tourinho, Harry Verhoeven, Zhang Haibin
    概要 联合国修订保护的责任纲要已经十年,全球保护的责任的形势依旧严峻。有人认为:全球以“西方”干涉主义为一方,“非西方”主权捍卫者为另一方的争论,双方对核心问题认识的差异导致了在这个问题上乏善可陈。这些人忽视这场政治争论的实质;因此无法切实严肃面对针对暴行罪提供保护所必须面对的种种实际挑战。…
  • Commentary 19 Mar 2015

    Europe, the US and the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

    Twenty-five years ago, German reunification ushered in an era of expansion of Western institutions (NATO and the European Union) toward the East. The current Russia-Ukraine conflict marks the definitive end of this period. With its annexation of Crimea, the Russian government made clear that it will…
  • Article 19 Feb 2015

    Is UN Crisis Diplomacy Increasingly Helpless and Irrelevant?

    Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, South Sudan – these are just a few of the hotspots currently challenging the United Nations. In none of these cases can the UN claim anything close to success in its attempts to mediate or bring about peaceful solutions. Increasing geopolitical fissures have buried the liberal…
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