Publications by Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
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Commentary 15 Mar 2016
Angola’s Dos Santos Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night
In the usually predictable world of African presidents-for-life, it doesn’t get more exciting than this. José Eduardo dos Santos, Angola’s president since 1979 and constitutionally allowed to stay in power until 2022, made the surprise announcement on Friday that he would leave “active political… -
Journal article 05 Nov 2015
To Intervene in Darfur, or Not
Re-Examining the R2P Debate and Its Impact Introduction Ten years after inter-communitarian violence and a government-orchestrated counter-insurgency attracted the world’s attention, the literature treats Darfur and the responsibility to protect (R2P) as almost coterminous with failure. Liberal… -
Commentary 08 Oct 2015
Angola: O capitalismo de Estado e o Estado paralelo
“A internacionalização da Sonangol prosseguiu em ritmo acelerado desde o fim da guerra e, em particular desde 2004, quando as receitas provenientes do petróleo começaram a encher os cofres angolanos. Directamente, ou através das suas subsidiárias, a partir de 2013, as zonas de investimento da… -
Commentary 02 Oct 2015
Cash-Rich Angola Comes to Cash-Strapped Portugal
Tales of Angolan clout in the former colonial power, Portugal, have occasionally surfaced in the English-language media. What happens when a southern European cash-strapped economy meets a cash-rich and cohesive authoritarian regime seeking to buy up assets and gain political influence? Many… -
Policy brief 07 Apr 2015
针对残暴犯罪 实施有效 负责任的保护: 走向全球行动
By Thorsten Benner, Philipp Rotmann, Erna Burai, C.S.R. Murthy, Christopher Daase, J. Madhan Mohan, Julian Junk, Xymena Kurowska, Liu Tiewa, Wolfgang Reinicke, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Matias Spektor, Oliver Stuenkel, Marcos Tourinho, Harry Verhoeven, Zhang Haibin概要 联合国修订保护的责任纲要已经十年,全球保护的责任的形势依旧严峻。有人认为:全球以“西方”干涉主义为一方,“非西方”主权捍卫者为另一方的争论,双方对核心问题认识的差异导致了在这个问题上乏善可陈。这些人忽视这场政治争论的实质;因此无法切实严肃面对针对暴行罪提供保护所必须面对的种种实际挑战。… -
Book 01 Mar 2015
Magnificent and Beggar Land
Angola Since the Civil War Based on three years of research in and extensive first-hand knowledge of Angola, Magnificent and Beggar Land is the definitive account of the fast-changing dynamics of this important yet misunderstood African state; a major exporter of oil, minerals and other raw… -
Commentary 03 Dec 2014
Can Angola’s Elite Transform Itself?
Book chapter 14 Oct 2012
Statebuilding and the Political Economy of the Extractive Industries in Post-Conflict States
Article 01 Mar 2011
Illiberal Peacebuilding in Angola
Introduction When thinking about post-conflict reconstruction, policy makers and academics have focused on international intervention to a remarkable degree. Roland Paris (2010: 360)* even states that "there seems to be no viable alternative to some version of liberal peacebuilding." There is…