Publications by Julian Lehmann
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Global Order
Humanitarian Action
Peace & Security
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Policy brief 21 Dec 2023
Global Compact on Refugees: Evidence and Learning Briefs
New response models to forced displacement prioritize refugee self-reliance and access to public services. What are host governments and donors doing to move closer to these goals?… -
Policy brief 02 Oct 2023
EU Asylum Reform and the Western Balkans
The Common European Asylum system's recent reform will likely lead to push-backs at Serbia’s borders. What can the EU do to help develop Serbia's asylum system?… -
Policy brief 02 Oct 2023
The Tunisian Red Flag
In July, the EU and Tunisia signed a Memorandum of Understanding to address migration. But in reality, the agreement trades long-term commitments for short-term interests. How to better develop the Tunisian asylum system?… -
Project report 02 Aug 2023
The Nexus Agenda: How to Stay the Course
How does UNHCR cooperate with its development partners? And how does their partnership affect refugees? This report offers findings from the one-year-long second phase (2020-2021) of a longitudinal evaluation with the International Security and Development Center.… -
Report 04 Nov 2022
Borders, Money and a B&B: The Global Compact on Refugees in Serbia.
What is shaping recent developments on refugee policy in Serbia, and how is the European Union contributing?… -
Policy brief 27 Jun 2022
Aufnahme gefährdeter Afghan:innen
Seit der Machtübernahme der Taliban in Afghanistan im August 2021 sind zehntausende Afghan:innen in Gefahr. Die Bundesregierung hat sich dazu bekannt, besonders gefährdete Afghan:innen in Deutschland aufzunehmen. Doch diese Aufnahme stockt – aus praktischen, bürokratischen und politischen Gründen.… -
Project report 28 Dec 2021
Doubling Down on the Nexus
How does UNHCR cooperate with its development partners? And how does their partnership affect refugees? This report offers findings from a three-year evaluation with the International Security and Development Center.… -
Policy brief 15 Dec 2021
A Pathway Toward More Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission
Currently, there are almost 83 million people facing forced displacement. Now is the right moment to revive resettlement and complementary pathways for refugees.… -
Book review 08 Jul 2021
Book Review: The Arc of Protection – Reforming the International Refugee Regime
Review of The Arc of Protection: Reforming the International Refugee Regime, by T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Leah Zamore (Stanford Briefs 2019).… -
Project report 08 Feb 2021
Discussion Papers 1–4: UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation
This series of four discussion papers presents the findings of an ongoing longitudinal evaluation of UNHCR’s engagement in humanitarian–development cooperation.… -
Project report 19 Nov 2019
UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation: Think Piece
Over the years, UNHCR has invested significantly in its ability to work with development actors. This analysis offers preliminary findings and recommendations from an ongoing evaluation exploring the scope and effects of the agency’s engagement in humanitarian-development cooperation.… -
Commentary 02 Oct 2019
Fluchtursachen mindern: Was nicht weh tut, ist nicht wirksam
Die Bundesregierung beruft eine Expertenkommission zu Fluchtursachen – Zeit, auch unangenehme Abwägungen in die öffentliche Debatte zu tragen.… -
Commentary 20 Sep 2016
How to Ensure a Global Refugee Response
Just hours after the United Nations concluded its refugee summit, breaking news on the displaced could hardly be more sobering. A UN aid convoy in Syria was bombed, leaving 12 aid workers dead; Kenya is closings the world's largest refugee camp in Dadaab, pressuring refugees to return to Somalia;…