Publications by Julian Lehmann
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Commentary 22 Jun 2015
Alles ist besser als der Status quo
An Wissen mangelt es nicht. Täglich erfährt die Öffentlichkeit von der Überfahrt Asylsuchender über das Mittelmeer, von geglückten und gescheiterten Versuchen, die Landgrenze der EU zu überqueren, von Menschen, die jämmerlich ertrinken. Trotzdem sind wir noch nicht zu einem vernünftigen Umgang mit… -
Book chapter 09 Jun 2015
When Can Refugees Claim Their Home States Failed to Protect Them?
Since 2004, when an EU directive called the Qualification Directive established criteria to determine refugee status, EU member states can no longer restrict refugee status to people fleeing harm caused by nation-states. However, when escaping harm caused by non-state actors, asylum seekers will be… -
Commentary 09 Mar 2015
Of Shepherds and Sheepdogs
It is not without irony that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) decided an asylum case involving a former US army soldier with the surname “Shepherd” at the same time US pop culture celebrates a film built around a metaphor of protecting sheep. In Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper, we… -
Commentary 24 Dec 2014
Hundred Years Between the Poles: In the Law of War, Politics is the Mediator
In the fall of 1914, the great war that we now call the First World War had been ongoing for only months, but the troops of Imperial Germany had already cut loose: Within weeks, they had shot 850 civilians in neutral Belgium, burned more than 400 houses and used hundreds of civilians as human… -
Commentary 27 Apr 2014
Recent Developments with Russia and the ICRC
In March, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, urged world powers not to forget the Syrian conflict and warned that the new quarrel could increase dissent over Syria in the UN Security Council. But a worsening situation in Ukraine and in Crimea may also have repercussions on the… -
Article 27 Mar 2014
Persecution, Concealment and the Limits of a Human Rights Approach in (European) Asylum Law
In the case of Germany v Y and Z, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) dealt, for the first time, with the meaning of the term "persecution" in the EU Qualification Directive (QD). German judicial practice that led to the CJEU decision had differentiated between the core and the fringe… -
Article 21 Feb 2014
Anerkennung als Hindernis: Weiterwandernde Flüchtlinge
Commentary 05 Jan 2014
“You Can’t Change the Meeting Place” – Khodorkovsky, Bad Faith and the European Court of Human Rights
Commentary 08 Apr 2013
Willkür kann man nicht wegschmeicheln
Journal article 11 Nov 2012
All Necessary Means to Protect Civilians: What the Intervention in Libya Says About the Relationship Between the Jus in Bello and the Jus ad Bellum
Working paper 09 Aug 2012
Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte im Bundesgerichtshof und Bundesverfassungsgericht
By Julian Lehmann, Marjorie Freese -
Journal article 30 Sep 2011
Limits to Counter-Terrorism: Comparing Derogation from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights
Article 09 Jul 2011
Rights at the Frontier – Border Control and International Human Rights Protection of Irregular International Migrants