Oliver Read
Circle of Friends

Oliver Read is the former editor and communications manager at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin. He supervised the preparation of GPPi publications and headed up the institute’s communications strategy. In addition, Oliver contributed to GPPi’s work on data and technology politics.
Prior to joining GPPi in July 2010, Oliver worked as web manager and editor for the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life in Washington, DC, a nonpartisan “fact tank” that conducts public opinion and social science research. There, he managed the production of online applications for studies such as the “US Religious Landscape Survey,” “Mapping the Global Muslim Population,” and “Tolerance and Tension: Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa.” While at Pew, Oliver taught new media journalism at Boston University’s satellite school in Washington.
Before working with Pew, Oliver was an associate editor at the Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (now PBS NewsHour), also in Washington, DC. In this position, he reported on international affairs and produced and managed the website for the PBS documentary “Generation Next,” headed by Judy Woodruff.
From 2004 to 2006, Oliver co-founded New Berlin Magazine and New Munich Magazine in Berlin. Previously, he also worked with The Mongol Messenger in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and National Public Radio affiliate WBUR in Boston.
Oliver holds master’s degrees in journalism from Boston University and in international relations from the Free University in Berlin, and he received his bachelor’s degree in English literature from Ohio Wesleyan University.