Catherine Wolf
Circle of Friends

Catherine Wolf was a research associate with the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin. As a public international lawyer, she has expertise in human rights, development cooperation and gender-based violence.
Before joining GPPi, Catherine was a project manager of the Young Professional Program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Within the framework of this program, she worked at the Ministry’s Division for Governance, Democracy and Rule of Law, with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Lima and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Lima and Washington, DC. Her work focused on multi-stakeholder approaches to improving justice administration, services and public awareness regarding gender-based violence in Latin America.
Catherine completed an LLM in public international law at King’s College London, focusing on human rights, international refugee law and socio-legal theory. Her research concentrated on the theoretical and practical challenges to human rights compliance and the interplay of race, class and gender in emancipatory legal theory.
Prior to her graduate studies, Catherine worked as an intern for the German Development Cooperation (GTZ) in Germany and Peru, the German Foreign Office’s United Nations Department and the Human Rights Centre at Potsdam University. She also interned at a refugee law firm and volunteers as a counselor for asylum seekers in Berlin for Amnesty International.
Catherine also holds a combined LLB in French and German law from Paris X University and Potsdam University, with a disciplinary concentration in public international law. She has received scholarships and support from the German National Academic Foundation and the Hertie Foundation.