Publications by Sarah Brockmeier
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Commentary 27 Apr 2017
Without Diplomats, No Diplomatic Solutions
While German politicians across party lines have recently called for “diplomatic solutions” to the conflict in Syria, they have all overlooked a key condition: diplomatic solutions require diplomats. But the Federal Foreign Office – the place that is supposed to hash out political solutions and… -
Commentary 27 Apr 2017
Deutschland braucht mehr Diplomaten
Während die Politik in diesen Tagen von der Union bis zur Linkspartei nach „diplomatischen Lösungen“ im Syrien-Konflikt ruft, wird parteiübergreifend eine zentrale Herausforderung übersehen: diplomatische Lösungen erfordern Diplomaten. Wie bereits in der Debatte zur Erhöhung des… -
Commentary 13 Dec 2016
Wo bleiben die Diplomaten, die in Schulen gehen?
Bei aller Unsicherheit nach der Wahl von Donald Trump, zwei Erkenntnisse sind diesseits des Atlantiks bereits angekommen. Erstens, die Verantwortung Deutschlands in und mit Europa in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik wird weiter und deutlich wachsen. Zweitens, auch in Deutschland und Europa fühlen… -
Commentary 13 Dec 2016
Burst the Bubble: We Need to Discuss Foreign Policy Outside the Expert Circles
Amidst all the uncertainty introduced by the age of Trump, two realizations have reached this side of the Atlantic. First, Germany and the European Union as a whole will have to increase their engagement in foreign and security policy. Second, voters feel left behind here, too. Mistrust of… -
Article 21 Nov 2016
The Future of Germany’s Support to the Responsibility to Protect
Introduction One morning in July 2015, Caroline Spreitzer, a 34-year-old mother of three in the German city of Passau, close to the Austrian border, looked out onto her driveway and saw seventeen Syrian refugees. After providing them with water and sandwiches, she called the police, as the refugees… -
Article 31 May 2016
Re-Examining the Lessons of the Libya Intervention
Five years after France, Britain and the US led a military intervention to protect civilians in Libya, the country is in chaos. Recent territorial gains by Daesh (also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS) have even prompted Western countries to consider yet another military… -
Toolkit 17 Mar 2016
Affaires civiles et gestion des conflits locaux
Résumé exécutif La reconnaissance politique de la prévention des conflits et de la protection des civils, en particulier avec des moyens non militaires, est croissante ; le rapport du Groupe indépendant de haut niveau sur les opérations de paix en constitue l’exemple le plus récent. Le soutien à la… -
Toolkit 17 Mar 2016
Civil Affairs and Local Conflict Management in Peace Operations
Executive Summary The report of the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations is only the most recent example of growing political recognition of conflict prevention and the protection of civilians, in particular by non-military means. Support to local conflict management is key to the… -
Commentary 16 Mar 2016
Lessons in Statecraft Still to Be Learned Five Years After the Libya Intervention
Five years after the United States, France and Britain intervened to protect civilians in Libya, the country is in chaos. When Gaddafi’s regime collapsed, the state was picked apart and destroyed. Recent territorial gains by the Islamic State have Western countries considering another military… -
Journal article 05 Nov 2015
“Responsibility While Protecting”: Reforming R2P Implementation
Introduction The intervention in Libya in 2011 was an early test for the coercive, non-consented operationalization of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), sparking a policy debate on how and under what circumstances protection should actually be conducted. This article analyses these debates on the… -
Journal article 05 Nov 2015
The Impact of the Libya Intervention Debates on Norms of Protection
Introduction Resolution 1973, which authorized military intervention in Libya, marked the first time that the United Nations Security Council explicitly mandated the use of force against a functioning state to prevent imminent atrocity crimes. The debate on the international community’s… -
Commentary 10 Oct 2015
Making R2P Work
Ten years ago, world leaders agreed that the international community had a “responsibility to protect” populations from genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing. A decade later, the world’s record in fulfilling the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) remains poor, with… -
Commentary 30 Jun 2015
Die Lehren aus Srebrenica, 20 Jahre danach
In diesen Julitagen vor 20 Jahren ermordeten serbische Freischärler bei Srebrenica über 8000 Menschen, die meisten von ihnen Jungen und Männer. Die Vereinten Nationen hatten die Stadt zwar zur "Schutzzone" für Zivilisten erklärt, doch weder die Regierungen noch die UN-Bürokratie waren bereit, ihr… -
Study 30 Jun 2015
Debating the Responsibility to Protect?
Policy Debates in Brazil, China and South Africa on Protecting People From Atrocity Crimes Executive Summary A decade since the United Nations adopted the doctrine of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) people from atrocity crimes, most politicians, academics and civil society advocates in the West… -
Commentary 29 Jun 2015
20 Years After Srebrenica: What the Responsibility to Protect Asks of Germany
Twenty years ago this July, Serb paramilitaries murdered more than 8,000 people around the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, most of them boys and men. The United Nations had declared the town a “safe area” for civilians, but when matters were taken to the extreme, neither the governments around the world… -
Study 07 Apr 2015
Proteção Efetiva e Responsável contra Crimes de Atrocidade: A Caminho de uma Ação Global
Sumário Executivo Uma década após as Nações Unidas adotarem o princípio da Responsabilidade de Proteger pessoas contra crimes de atrocidade (R2P), os resultados das iniciativas mundiais de proteção de indivíduos continuam trágicos. Entretanto, aqueles que identificam como causa desta falta de… -
Policy brief 07 Apr 2015
Effective and Responsible Protection from Atrocity Crimes: Toward Global Action
Executive Summary A decade after the United Nations adopted the concept of a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) people from atrocity crimes, the world’s record of protection remains grim. But those who point to a global deadlock between “Western” interventionists and “non-Western” stalwarts of… -
Commentary 04 Feb 2015
Verantwortung neu verstehen
Am Wochenende beginnt die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz und markiert ein Jahr der Debatte über Deutschlands internationale Verantwortung. Auch wer nicht handelt, trägt Verantwortung, so Bundespräsident Gauck. Es müsse selbstverständlich sein, unsere Hilfe nicht einfach zu versagen, wenn Völkermord,… -
Commentary 04 Feb 2015
Germany Needs More Than a Debate About the Military
The start of the 51st Munich Security Conference this Friday will mark the first anniversary of a new debate in Germany on its global responsibility to prevent atrocities. “He who fails to act bears responsibility too,” argued German President Joachim Gauck a year ago in Munich. It must be “natural… -
Journal article 01 Sep 2014
Emerging Norm and Rhetorical Tool: Europe and a Responsibility to Protect