Publications by Gerrit Kurtz
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Humanitarian Action
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Journal article 29 Oct 2018
Is Conflict Prevention a Science, Craft, or Art?
By Gerrit Kurtz, Christoph MeyerIn the current wave of renewed interest in conflict prevention, we argue that key lessons from 20 years of practice and research have not been learned yet. Official documents and parts of the literature are too often confined to a technocratic understanding of conflict prevention drawing on… -
Commentary 15 Dec 2017
South Sudan’s Peace Process Needs New Thinking
By Gerrit Kurtz -
Article 24 Jul 2017
Making the United Nations System More Effective on Conflict Prevention
By Gerrit KurtzUN Secretary-General António Guterres has identified one overarching priority for his work: the prevention of human suffering. Specifically, Guterres envisions that the concept of prevention, and the mechanisms it entails, will be able to cut across and strengthen the UN’s three pillars: peace and… -
Article 07 Mar 2016
Protecting Civilians Through UN Peace Operations
Under the flag of the United Nations, more than 125,000 civilian experts, police officers and soldiers are currently deployed in 16 missions worldwide to give peacebuilding efforts a better chance of success. In most cases, these efforts take years. Even as politicians and military leaders… -
Journal article 05 Nov 2015
The Evolution of Norms of Protection
Major Powers Debate the Responsibility to Protect Introduction In 2015, the world marked the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Charter and the 10th anniversary of the world’s political endorsement of a responsibility to protect populations from genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and… -
Journal article 05 Nov 2015
Protection in Peril: Counterterrorism Discourse and International Engagement in Sri Lanka in 2009
By Gerrit Kurtz, J. Madhan MohanIntroduction The final phase of the war in Sri Lanka is often framed in stark geopolitical terms. The Sri Lankan government defeated the rebel group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) with a broad military offensive that resulted in a large number of civilian casualties, ending the 26-year… -
Article 05 Nov 2015
International Responsibility as Solidarity
By Gerrit KurtzThe Impact of the World Summit Negotiations on the R2P Trajectory Introduction Proponents of the responsibility to protect (R2P) populations from mass atrocities have hailed the concept's collective endorsement at the 2005 World Summit, a gathering of heads of state and government for UN reform, as… -
Commentary 26 Sep 2015
What German Diplomacy Owes Sri Lanka
By Gerrit KurtzLast week, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited Sri Lanka. It was the first visit made by a German foreign minister in over 10 years. During his visit, Steinmeier promised to support Sri Lanka in accounting for the grave human rights violations incurred during the civil war, but… -
Commentary 25 Sep 2015
Wie Deutschland Sri Lanka helfen kann
By Gerrit KurtzVergangene Woche besuchte Außenminister Steinmeier Sri Lanka. Es war der erste Besuch eines deutschen Außenministers seit mehr als zehn Jahren. Dabei sagte er dem Land Unterstützung bei der Aufarbeitung schwerwiegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen während des Bürgerkriegs zu, ließ aber offen, welche… -
Book review 20 Aug 2015
Sanktionen als attraktive Handlungsoption der Vereinten Nationen
By Gerrit Kurtz -
Commentary 12 Aug 2015
Ironing Out the Kinks in the UN’s New Human Rights Initiative
By Gerrit KurtzIn December 2013, Jan Eliasson, the United Nations deputy secretary-general, went on a selling spree. In a series of briefings, he presented a new initiative to UN member states and to the rest of the world. In his address to the General Assembly, Eliasson said, not mincing words: “In improving the… -
Study 22 Jul 2015
With Courage and Coherence
By Gerrit KurtzThe Human Rights up Front Initiative of the United Nations Too often has the United Nations system failed to mobilize all of its tools to protect populations from serious human rights violations. A notable example is the UN’s inadequate human rights response in Sri Lanka in 2009, during the… -
Commentary 12 Jul 2015
The Right Sanctions in South Sudan
By Gerrit KurtzOn July 9, the youngest country on Earth celebrated its birthday. Four years ago, South Sudan achieved its independence with broad international support. Since December 2013, however, a new civil war between the South Sudan president, Salva Kiir Mayardit, and his former deputy, Riek Machar, has… -
Commentary 11 Jul 2015
Südsudan: Ein Waffenembargo wäre das Mindeste
By Gerrit KurtzGerade erst hat das jüngste Land der Erde Geburtstag gefeiert. Vor vier Jahren beging der Südsudan mit breiter internationaler Unterstützung seine Unabhängigkeit. Seit Dezember 2013 verwüstet ein neuer Bürgerkrieg zwischen dem Präsidenten und seinem ehemaligen Stellvertreter die geschundene… -
Journal article 01 Sep 2014
Emerging Norm and Rhetorical Tool: Europe and a Responsibility to Protect
Journal article 01 Sep 2014
Singing the Tune of Sovereignty? India and the Responsibility to Protect
By Gerrit Kurtz, Jaganathan Madhan Mohan -
Journal article 31 Aug 2014
Introduction: Major Powers and the Contested Evolution of a Responsibility to Protect
Commentary 26 May 2014
Indiens neues Selbstbewusstsein
By Gerrit KurtzPakistans Premierminister Nawaz Sharif, US-Präsident Barack Obama und der britische Premierminister David Cameron gehörten zu den ersten Gratulanten für den neuen Regierungschef Narendra Modi nach seinem überwältigenden Wahlsieg in Indien. Lang gehegte Bedenken aufgrund seiner schillernden… -
Article 28 Apr 2014
Massenverbrechen verhindern
By Gerrit KurtzAm 17. Dezember 2013 stellte der Stellvertretende UN-Generalsekretär Jan Eliasson den neuen UN-Aktionsplan „Rights Up Front" zur Verhinderung von Massenverbrechen vor. Angesichts der sich zuspitzenden Situationen in Südsudan und der Zentralafrikanischen Republik hätte er sich keinen passenderen… -
Commentary 22 Apr 2014
Post 2015: Peace, Security and Development Belong Together
By Gerrit KurtzRhetorically speaking, all agree: peace, security and development belong together. The experience with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) supports this statement. Countries that are affected by conflict, violence and political instability are the furthest away from achieving the MDGs. According…