Publications by Andrea Binder
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Global Order
Humanitarian Action
Peace & Security
Rights & Democracy
Data & Tech Politics
Study 09 Dec 2014
Evaluierung außenpolitischer Maßnahmen in fragilen Kontexten
Zusammenfassung Moderne Außenpolitik verfolgt ihre Ziele zunehmend mit eigenen finanziellen Mitteln für konkrete Projekte. Die Haushaltsmittel für „Maßnahmen und Leistungen zur Sicherung von Frieden und Stabilität einschließlich humanitärer Hilfsmaßnahmen“ betragen mittlerweile gut dreimal so viel… -
Study 09 Dec 2014
Evaluating Foreign Policy Measures in Fragile Contexts
Executive Summary Modern foreign policy increasingly pursues its goals by using specific financial resources for concrete projects. In Germany, the budget lines for peacebuilding and stabilization, which includes humanitarian action, have grown threefold over the past decade. The design, tendering,… -
Journal article 01 Jun 2014
The Metrics and Ethics of Protecting Civilians
This article asks how success is defined and measured for humanitarian action and military interventions aimed at protecting civilians from violence and harm in situations of armed conflict. It starts by illustrating how humanitarian and military protection actors differ in their ability or… -
Study 01 Mar 2013
Scoping Study: What Works in Protection and How Do We Know?
Evaluation report 31 Aug 2010
Inter-Agency Real-Time Evaluation in Haiti: Three Months After the Earthquake
By Andrea Binder, François Grünewald -
Evaluation report 01 Apr 2010
Cluster Approach Evaluation II Synthesis Report
By Julia Steets, Andrea Binder, Susanna Krüger, Claudia Meier, François Grünewald, Véronique de Geoffroy, Domitille Kauffmann, B. Sokpoh -
Evaluation report 24 May 2009
Real Time Evaluation of the GenCap Project
Study 13 May 2008
The Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap) One Year Ahead
Study 12 Jan 2008
Development of an M&E Framework for the Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap)