
The New Decentralized World Order

Image   Stuenkel Decentrallized World Order 01
09 Jul 2014, 
published in
The Diplomat

Book Review: Amitav Acharya, The End of American World Order, Polity Books, 2014.

Perhaps the most important lesson of the Crimean Crisis, Amitav Acharya recently wrote in The Hindu, is that the U.S. can no longer co-opt rising powers to support its own strategic vision and approach. The unipolar moment, he argues in The End of American World Order, his latest book, is over. Yet what comes next?

Rather than a multipolar, bipolar or G‑zero world (as Charles Kupchan argued in No One’s World), the emerging world order is likely to be neither bipolar nor multipolar. Instead, we are heading towards a multiplex world order.”

To read the full article, please visit The Diplomat online .