Global Energy Governance: The New Rules of the Game

The Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin recently published a book-length research volume on global energy governance entitled Global Energy Governance: The New Rules of the Game, edited by Andreas Goldthau, Associate Professor at Central European University and GPPi Fellow, and Jan Martin Witte, Associate Director, Global Public Policy Institute. The book was published by the Brookings Institution Press and was the main output of GPPi’s two-year research and dialogue project Changing Rules of the Game: Global Energy Governance in the 21st Century, generously supported by a grant from the European Commission.
The book includes contributions from some of the most respected experts in the energy field. Adopting an institutionalist perspective on global energy, the edited volume assesses the key areas in which existing governance structures need to adapt to meet the challenges of the 21st century in terms of security of supply at affordable prices, environmental sustainability and good governance. This approach fills an obvious gap in current analyses on energy security, and, at the same time, addresses a highly relevant policy area. Consequently, the proposed book complements clear-cut applied analyses with comments from decision-makers representing industry, government and civil society. Moreover, it offers a set of concrete and implementable policy recommendations and draws conclusions on the transatlantic policy agenda in the field of global energy governance.
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“…This volume offers an extensive and insightful analysis of the rules and institutional mechanisms that structure global energy markets, and it provides practical recommendations for policymakers to reshape the global energy governance landscape to foster energy security in the twenty-first century.”
– William C. Ramsay, director for energy at the Institut français des relations internationales (ifri) and former deputy executive director of the International Energy Agency
“This is a far-ranging and sober look at the challenges facing the world energy system. Unlike many studies, which look at only one corner – such as oil or gas or global warming – these authors take on all the challenges. And they are politically astute in offering recommendations for policy reforms that will work. Their focus on the need for new international institutions is particularly welcome.”
– David G. Victor, director of the Laboratory on International Law & Regulation, University of California, San Diego
“Goldthau and Witte have brought together some of the world’s finest thinkers on the geopolitical issues surrounding the energy resource strategies being pursued by the world’s most powerful nations. By viewing multiple dimensions of energy policy through the lens of institutional structures for market regulation and administration, the authors illuminate the key technological, political, and economic components of the global energy and financial markets. Their analysis ends with a thoughtful set of recommendations for pushing out the boundaries of global energy governance.”
– Adam E. Sieminski, chief energy economist at Deutsche Bank